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NUTN Implements Spirit of Shi Huazhe, Spreads Love to Penghu's Neian

As part of our university's initiative to promote the spirit of Shi Huazhe through educational service projects, the first event took place this summer from June 22nd (Saturday) to June 25th (Tuesday) at Neian Elementary School in Penghu County. Sixteen teacher candidates participated, providing academic tutoring to 31 students. The opening ceremony was attended by Director Wu Chunping from the Teacher Training Center, Principal Chen Yingzhen from Neian Elementary School, Director Wu Yuwei, and all faculty and students.

To ensure high-quality service and comprehensive summer tutoring for the students, a three-day pre-departure training session was conducted for the teacher candidates by experts in AI technology. They learned fundamental concepts and applications in the field, including AI definitions and specific applications such as drawing, AR aquariums, robots (such as Codey and Kebi), unmanned stores, vibrating robots, as well as unplugged board games and Japanese cars to develop computational thinking. This training helped the teacher candidates understand the practical impacts and innovations of AI technology in daily life.

Throughout the preparation process, the teacher candidates gained hands-on experience with various AI tools, moving from theoretical knowledge to practical applications in lesson preparation. They dedicated considerable effort and time to preparing for this camp, aiming to effectively apply their knowledge to teaching and looking forward to sharing their learning experience with Neian Elementary School in Penghu.

Director Wu Chunping noted that since 2008, in response to the Ministry of Education's initiative to promote the practical spirit of Shi Huazhe among university teacher candidates, NUTN has formed the Shi Huazhe Education Service Team. They have consistently provided summer educational services in remote areas, offering quality courses and recreational activities that are highly appreciated by local schools and warmly welcomed by children.

Principal Chen Huiping emphasized that our university has a century-long commitment to teacher education. The Shi Huazhe Education Service Team emphasizes the importance of service learning and learning through doing, aiming to cultivate the educational love among teacher candidates and embody the ethical commitment to dedication. This not only fulfills our university's social responsibility in teacher education but also helps to bridge educational disparities between urban and rural areas.

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