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NUTN Taichung Alumni Association Successfully Established

The Taichung Alumni Association of our university was officially established and registered with the Taichung City Government on June 17th. The establishment ceremony was held in a joyful atmosphere, drawing enthusiastic participation from numerous alumni.

Vice President Lee Chien-Yi and Chairman Wu Dong-Lin of the Alumni Association were present to congratulate and show their support for the establishment of the Taichung Alumni Association. Vice President Lee emphasized in his speech that the Alumni Association serves not only as a platform for alumni to unite and support each other but also as a crucial bridge for communication between the school and its alumni.

Former President Mr. Chen Ying-Hao was also invited to attend and extended sincere blessings to the newly established Alumni Association. In his address, Former President Chen reflected on his tenure at NUTN and expressed pride in the achievements of the alumni.

Following the alumni's votes and elections, Mr. Chen Chun-Hsing from the Class of '58 was elected as the first Chairman of the Taichung Alumni Association. Chairman Chen Chun-Hsing stated after his election that he would dedicate himself to promoting various activities of the Alumni Association, strengthening connections among alumni, and providing more support and services to alumni.

The establishment of the Taichung Alumni Association not only signifies a home for NUTN alumni in the Taichung area but also symbolizes alumni coming together to make greater contributions to the university and society as a whole.

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